87 Fabric Expansion Joints for a Furnace Application at a Chemical Plant in Texas

August 30, 2002

87 Fabric Expansion Joints for a Furnace Application at a Chemical Plant in Texas
U.S. Bellows, Inc. manufactured 87, rectangular fabric expansion joints for a furnace application at a chemical plant in Texas. The joints were designed at 11″ W.C. and 750 degrees F for ½ ” axial and lateral movements. The fabric belts on these joints are composed of three layers. They were equipped with a telescoping liner and 2″ thick insulation pillows to reduce the heat transfer.

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Clamshell Bellows for a Shell and Tube Heat Exchange

August 9, 2002
Clam Shell Bellows for a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Clam Shell Bellows for a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

U.S. Bellows, Inc fabricated and installed a clamshell bellows for a shell and tube heat exchanger. The clamshell bellows are designed and fabricated per ASME VIII Div. 1 Appendix 26. It has a 14″ diameter and was designed at 150ºF and 150 psig. In order to detect any leaks, prior to and following forming, the heat exchanger and its welds were subjected to a series of tests such as the dye penetrant test (100%), X-ray test (100%) and air test

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