153″ Neoprene Expansion Joint for an Air Re-circulation/Ventilation Application at a Gas Turbine Facility in Hungary

April 9, 2018

153" Neoprene Expansion Joint for an Air Recirculation/Ventilation Application at a Gas Turbine Facility in Hungary

Type: Neoprene Expansion Joint
Size: 153″ x 55″ x 21″
Design: EPDM Reinforced Fabric Cloth | Carbon Steel
Material: 200°F, +/- 100″ WC, & 1″ Axial
Testing: Hydro-tested

This EPDM neoprene expansion joint was designed for an air recirculation/ventilation application at a gas turbine facility in Hungary by U.S. Bellows. The unit is 153″ in length x 55″ width x 21″ face-to-face. The fabric belt is made from EPDM reinforced fabric cloth and the framework from A572 Gr. 50 carbon steel. It is designed for an operating temperature up to 200°F with a +/- 100″ water column and 1″ of axial compression and lateral deflection. The expansion joint was hydro-tested prior to shipment.

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