Custom Designed Fabric Expansion Joint for a Gas and Water Vapor Application

December 5, 2016

Custom Designed Fabric Expansion Joint for a Gas and Water Vapor Application

 Type:  Fabric Expansion Joint
 Size:  83″ diameter / 20″ face-to-face
 Material:  PTFE Fabric Belt / 304 Stainless Steel
 Design:  500°-1500°F at +/-2″ water column & 1 1/2″-6 1/2″ axial compression
 Testing:  100% Dye-Penetrant

U.S. Bellows custom engineered this fabric expansion joint for a gas and water vapor application at a rotating dryer facility. It is fabricated from a 3-layer PTFE belt with a 304 stainless steel frame and 2205 duplex framing. The unit is 83″ in diameter and 20″ face-to-face. The expansion joint is designed for an operating temperature ranging from 500°-1500°F at a +/- 2″ water column pressure and 1 1/2″-6 1/2″ of axial compression. A 100% dye-penetrant examination was conducted on the unit prior to shipment.

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