High Temperature Fabric Expansion Joint Designed for an Exhaust Duct

November 28, 2011

This rectangular fabric expansion joint will be used in an exhaust duct in a power plant. It measures 136″ L x 54″ W x 12″ face-to-face and is fabricated with stainless steel angle, frame ends, and internal liner. The fabric belt material is PTFE coated glass cloth, which is low friction and high in tear/crease resistance and tensile strength. This expansion joint is rated for an axial movement of 1-1/2″ with a lateral offset of 1/2″ and maximum temperatures up to 600°F. A quality inspection was administered, including a 100% dye-penetrant test prior to shipment.

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76″ dia. Single Tied Expansion Joint for a Hot Blast Valve in a Steel Mill

November 7, 2011



This single tied expansion joint is custom designed with Inconel® 825 bellows with carbon steel flanges, liners and pipes. It is 76″ I.D., 90″ O.D. and is 31-1/2″ long. It was designed for 1,900°F at 100 psig with 1″ compression. A meshed expanded metal cover was installed to allow for hot air to escape. Tests performed included a 100% dye penetrant, x-ray, and ultrasonic on pressure bearing welds. Finished units were hydro-tested at 1.5 times the design pressure. The expansion joints were designed with an inner liner to accommodate for easier field installation of refractory lining.




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