66″ Diameter Tied Universal Expansion Joint for Pipe Carrying Sulfur Dioxide of Temperatures up to 1022°F

November 22, 2010

66" Diameter Tied Universal Expansion Joint for Pipe Carrying Sulfur Dioxide of Temperatures up to 1022ºF

This tied universal expansion joint is designed to carry hot gas up to temperatures of 1022°F and pressure up to 5 PSIG. It has a 66″ inside diameter and is 126″ in overall length. The design movements are 3″ lateral and 4.5″ axial compression. The bellows material is Inconel® 825 with 316 L SS flow liners, carbon steel weld ends and limit rods. The bellows and pipe longitudinal weld seams were 100% water clear x-rayed and dye-penetrant tested prior to a 5 PSIG air test. All exterier surface of carbon steel pipes are high heat aluminum painted


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60″ Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint with Turning Vanes for a Power Plant in Washington

November 9, 2010

60" Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint with Turning Vanes for a Power Plant in Washington
Pressure Balanced Elbow Expansion Joint

The existing pressure balanced elbow expansion joint with liners was re-designed with turning vanes to eliminate the vibration impact on the bellows. U.S. Bellows performed a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to determine the design of the turning vanes.

Flow Path Comparison
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis

The turning vanes redirect the flow stream, which creates a smoother flow, thus eliminating the flow induced vibration. The bellows and liner were fabricated from 321 stainless steel and the rest is fabricated from carbon steel. An air and soap test was performed prior to shipping it to a power plant in Washington.

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