3″ NPS Tied Universal Bellows For A Power Plant in Saudi Arabia

June 20, 2001

3" NPS Tied Universal Bellows For A Power Plant In Saudi Arabia

U.S Bellows, Inc. manufactures 96, 3″ NPS tied universal bellows for a power plant located in Saudi Arabia. The bellows’ element is a unique design containing integral equalizing rings between the corrugations that provide excellent pressure resistance, as well as, anti-squirm resistance. The tear drop shape of the rings add little resistance to movement and cycle life is not compromised. Pressure design is based on 252 psi at 689° F with a lateral movement of 1.0″.

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10″ Single Tied Titanium Expansion Joints

June 6, 2001

10" Single Tied Titanium Expansion Joints

10″ Single Tied Titanium Expansion Joints

10" Single Tied Titanium Expansion Joints

10″ Single Tied Titanium Expansion Joints

U.S Bellows, Inc. manufactured 10″ single tied titanium expansion joints to be utilized in a chemical plant in Kingsport, Tennessee. These single expansion joints are bellows elements with end connections that allow movement in any direction or plane. However, the piping must also be guided in the same direction of the movement. The tie rods restrain the full pressure thrust. These expansion joints were 100% dye-penetrant examined before being shipped to the customer

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