96″ Dia. Thick Wall Expansion Joint Designed for a Sulfuric Acid Plant

April 12, 2022

Us bellows thick wall expansion joint 169673

U.S. Bellows designed this thick wall flanged and flued head expansion joint at a sulfuric acid plant in Louisiana.  Sulfuric acid plants are located throughout the industrialized world and we have worked with most of them including market leaders. Most are located near their product acid’s point of use, i.e., near fertilizer plants, copper ore leach plants, and petroleum refineries. This is because elemental sulfur is cheaper to transport than sulfuric acid. By far the largest amount of sulfuric acid is used to make phosphoric acid, used, in turn, to make the phosphate fertilizers, calcium dihydrogenphosphate, and ammonium phosphates. It is also used to make ammonium sulfate, which is a particularly important fertilizer in sulfur-deficient. In various concentrations, the acid is used in the manufacture of fertilizers, pigments, dyes, drugs, explosives, detergents, and inorganic salts and acids, as well as in petroleum refining and metallurgical processes.

The expansion joint was fabricated from A516-70 carbon steel and painted with a special epoxy coat for protection from corrosion. The unit is 96″ x 124-1/4″ O.D. All of the butt welds for this expansion joint were 100% liquid penetrant, 100% radiographic, and soap and air bubble tested prior to shipment. This type of joint can be used as a “clamshell” joint used in conjunction with shell and tube heat exchangers, steam exhaust, hot water return lines, or chilled water lines.

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Thick Wall Expansion Joints for Large Diameter Piping in a Heat Exchanger

May 12, 2021

Thick Wall Expansion Joints for Large Diameter Piping in a Heat Exchanger

U.S. Bellows, Inc. custom-designed thick wall flanged and flued head expansion joints for large diameter piping in a heat exchanger application. The expansion joints, including the liners, are fabricated from 316 stainless steel. The first unit is 60″ O.D. x 84″ O.D., the second unit is 36″ O.D. x 60″, and both units have a 1/4″ nominal thickness. They were designed for 4.4 psig at 210°F with a 122″ water column. A dye penetrant exam on the circumferential welds was conducted prior to shipping.

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