- This specification along with the purchase order, pipe expansion joint data sheet, and drawings delineate the requirements for the design, fabrication, and testing of the pipe expansion joint.
- 2.1 The bellows shall be designed in accordance with the design equations for unreinforced and reinforced bellows as specified in Section C of The Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers, Fifth Edition, 1980 including all current addenda.
- 2.2 If reinforcement of the bellows is necessary for pressure, the reinforcing rings shall be formed integrally with the bellows. No bolted-on control devices such as equalizing rings shall be used.
- 2.3 Pipe expansion joints weighing more than 500 pounds shall be provided with lifting lugs.
- 3.1 Pipe expansion joint materials shall be as specified on the expansion joint data sheet. Material certifications shall be available for inspection.
- 4.1 Bellows shall be formed from seamless or longitudinally butt welded cylinders. If welded, the butt weld must be planished to within 10% of the original sheet thickness.
- 4.2 Bellows convolutions shall be “U” shaped and formed with an even pitch and height. Circumferential welds joining one convolution to another are not permitted.
- 4.3 Bellows shall be provided in the as-formed unannealed condition.
- 4.4 End connections are to match the adjacent piping as specified on the data sheet.
- 4.5 All welding shall be in accordance with ASME Section IX or AWS Dl.l.
- 5.1 The pipe expansion joint manufacturer must maintain a quality assurance system. A copy of the Quality Assurance Manual must be made available upon request.
- 5.2 Non-destructive examination requirements are specified on the pipe expansion joint data sheet. The manufacturer must have written procedures for each type of non-destructive examination specified.
- 6.1 Each pipe expansion joint shall be provided with a stainless steel nameplate indicating the date of manufacture, design rating of the pipe expansion joint and any other information required by the purchase order.
- 6.2 When the pipe expansion joint is supplied with an internal sleeve, the flow direction must be indicated and be plainly visible on the outside of the joint.
- 6.3 All surfaces of the pipe expansion joint shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease, oil and all foreign matter.
- 6.4 Shipping bars shall be installed on the pipe expansion joint to maintain the proper shipping length. Shipping bars are to be painted yellow.
- 6.5 Each pipe expansion joint shall be tagged with recommended installation instructions.

42″ I.D. Circular Neoprene Fabric Pipe Expansion Joints with Yellow Shipping Bars per Specifications