Single Expansion Joints – 6 inch Nominal Diameter
6 Inch Nominal Diameter
Effective (Thrust) Area: 43.28 in2 (279.16 cm2)

- Rated life cycle at 650°F is 3000 cycles for any one tabulated movement.
- To combine axial, lateral and angular movements, please refer to the…how to order section
- To increase cycle life or movements, please refer to the graph on…cycle life
- Rated bellows extension is equal to rated axial movement. Provided bellows is precompressed the amount of design extension. Installed overall length will decrease by the amount of precompression.
- Maximum test pressure: 1.5 X rated working pressure.
- Bellows rated for 650°F: For appropriate flange temperature/pressure ratings, see…catalog flange data
- Torsional spring rate data provided only for modeling expansion joints on computer stress programs. Please consult factory for allowable torsional loadings.
- Overall lengths and weights for unrestrained expansion joints only. Consult factory for information regarding tied, hinged, or gimbal expansion joints.
- Pressure thrust load applied to adjacent pipe anchors/equipment when unrestrained expansion joints are used.
Diameter Pressure Overall Length and Weight Non-concurrant
movementsSpring rates
EndsAxial Lateral Angular Axial Lateral Angular Torsional
Overall Length Weight Overall Length Weight Overall Length Weight Compression
PSIG in. lb. in. lb. in. lb. in. in. deg. lb./in. lb./in. in./lb./deg. in./lb./deg
x 106
kg/cm 2 mm kg mm kg mm kg mm mm Grad kg/mm kg/mm N-M/Grad N-M/Grad
x 105
6 70 6 39 11 15 9 27 1.21 0.16 10 286 2841 34 0.0652
4.9 152 17.7 279 6.82 229 12.3 30.7 4.06 11 5 51 3.5 0.0664
60 10 41 15 17 13 29 2.95 0.92 10 123 213 15 0.0278
4.2 254 18.6 381 7.73 330 13.2 74.9 23.4 11 2 4 1.5 0.0283
25 14 43 19 18 17 30 5.04 2.47 10 78 54 9 0.0177
1.8 356 19.5 483 8.18 432 13.6 128 62.7 11 1 1 0.9 0.018
6 200 6 40 11 16 9 28 0.68 0.09 10 1330 13237 159 0.1116
14.1 152 18.2 279 7.27 229 12.7 17.3 2.29 11 24 237 16.2 0.1135
200 10 43 15 19 13 31 1.63 0.5 10 570 992 68 0.0476
14.1 254 19.5 61 8.64 330 14.1 40.4 12.4 11 10 18 6.9 0.0484
105 14 45 19 21 17 33 2.79 1.37 10 363 252 43 0.0303
7.4 356 20.5 483 9.55 432 15 70.9 34.8 11 6 5 4.4 0.0308
6 500 6 80 10 16 8 48 0.23 0.02 4 10945 257320 1316 0.3506
35.1 152 36.4 254 7.27 203 21.8 5.84 0.51 4 196 4605 133.8 0.3566
500 10 84 14 19 12 51 0.73 0.19 10 3284 7863 395 0.1067
35.1 254 38.2 356 8.64 305 23.2 18.5 4.83 11 59 141 40.2 0.1085
500 14 87 18 23 16 55 1.24 0.55 10 1932 1637 232 0.0629
35.1 356 39.5 457 10.5 406 25 31.5 14 11 35 29 23.6 0.064
Bellows: A240-T304. Alternate materials available upon request. Refer to the… materials section
Flanges: ASTM A105.
25-70 PSIG Series: 150 lb. ANSI B16.5 RFSO.
105-200 PSIG Series: 150 lb. ANSI B16.5 RFSO
500 PSIG Series: 300 lb ANSI B16.5 RFSO
Plate flanges and angle flanges available for low pressure systems.
Pipe: ASTM A53/A106.
25-70 PSIG Series: Std. Wt. Pipe.
105-200 PSIG Series: Std. Wt. Pipe.
500 PSIG Series: Std. Wt. Pipe.
Liners: A240-T304.
Covers: Carbon steel.
Tie Rods, Hinges, Gimbals: Carbon steel